Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Western Church reading

Post your comments and thoughts here (only about the Church -- do not post about Russia). Also, try to go beyond just asking a question -- try to answer it yourself. See what links you can find to share with the class. If you can't find an answer, still ask the question -- just explain that you could not find the answer.

Monday, April 28, 2008

post here for Monday night

Sorry this went up so late!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Middle Ages

Post what you know and what you want to learn about the Middle Ages (at least three sentences).

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Pope

The Pope is visiting the US this week. What do you know about the Pope and what would you like to learn about him? (not just this Pope -- but the office over time)

Your post should contain 3-4 sentences of thought-provoking prose.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Ethiopia Questions for Friday

Post two thought-provoking questions here.

Africa Paper Topic

Post a paragraph describing the topic you want to write about and why you want to write about it. You should have at least four sentences here. The more you write, the more I can help you find materials related to your topic.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Please post at least two questions you have about Africa that show that you have read and thought about the material on the assigned web pages. Please post by 6 p.m. Sunday (or email me to let me know why that's not possible, and post as soon as you can).