Please post here your thoughts about where (and when) you'd like to locate your civilization in space and time. Explain the rationale for your choice.
i think that our civilization should be somewhere in eastern europe because alot of things were happening in the middle east and africa in the time period that we are studying. Also, i think that our civilization should take place somewhere around the time we are studying in class because that would make it easier to connect things. If our civilization was in poland or south america, we dont know anything about what happened in those times so it would be kind of hard to do a project based off of that.
first off, i will agree with alex that we need to make the time period the around the time we are studying to better understand and already have some understanding of the time period. however, i think we should make our civilazation be in Poland. It is also in Eastern Europe like alex said we should do. it would be good because we would have borders like Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and many others. I also did some research and found out that Poland is the 69th largest country in the world which would be very good for a civilazation to "flourish in." That is what i think..<_<
While I agree with the earlier comments on Europe, I believe our civilization should be situated in Portugal. My reasons are: ~It is not a large area of land, so it would be easy to manage as it isn't too big ~It has only one neighbor country, meaning we wouldnt have to worry about border disputes and land conflicts ~It is on the ocean, so it can still be connected with other civilizations I think the time period should be around 500 BCE-when we're studying-because things were happening in Europe our civ could be involved in
i agree with alex and maia when they say that we need our civilization in the time period we are learning about but i think we should have our civilization in Jordan for these reasons: 1. We would border Israel which would have many people there to help us with trade and resources for our economy. 2. It is a small country which would be easy to control in the beginning then we could decide to make it larger and take over land and that would create a good history for us also. These points are good but Katelyn i don't agree with having our civilization in Portugal because don't really know whats going on down in that part of Europe. I think we should just stick to the middle east or Greece since we have already learned a history on those areas already.
Ok, well I'm in disagreement with everyone so far. First of all, you can say that we want our civilization to be in X country, however, there weren't borders back then, so you can't really confine us to that one area mentioned.
Getting on with my thought, I don't think our civilization should be in any of the countries suggested. Although I don't really hate the idea of Portugal, Poland, or Jordan, it may be a little too cold in Poland and I think our civ. should have a little more neutral climate. I wouldn't want North America because there's no one else really. About Portugal, who else is around that we can interact with? Ok, well I think that our civilization should be in Korea. I'm just saying Korea because that's the general area. Korea includes both North and South, but they are welcome to move out towards Russia and China. I checked wikipedia and it said that there are two rivers diving current day China/Russia and Korea. There is a river between Korea and China and another between Russia/China and Korea. Also, there are the oceans on the peninsula to provide natural barriers for protection of invasion. Another point is that most of the mountains are on the eastern side so it wouldn't be too hard to move if our civ. was near the west. I especially like this because it is near another civilization so contact would not be hard. Obviously China is the other civilization. Not being bias or anything, but there's a lot of Europe talk, but its not like the land is THAT much different. Just because it is a nice place to travel to means nothing, seeing as there was nothing there at first. Being around another flourishing civilization like China could help both China and our civ. Also the natural barriers around China and Korea help protect from invaders. The time period should probably be from around 2000-1500. We could narrow that down more, but I don't think our civilization should be extremely long. Since we cannot be on an island, a penninsula is the next closest thing, and being on wide open land could end up like Mesopotamia and their many invasions.
I strongly agree with alex evans and maia. I think our civilization should be somewhere in eastern europe because it has very many useful resources. As stated before, we know a lot about this area and the surrounding areas. I also agree with Katelyn when saying the time period should be around 500 BCE because we are learning a lot about that time period in class. We should not chose somewhere in North America or an island because it is totally isolated and there are no resources. We already know a lot about the surrounding areas and about the resources that are available. I also like Katelyn's idea of Portugal.
I think that our civilization should be located in Portugal. It has several rivers such as the Douro, the Guadiana and the Tagus which would be excellent water and food sources. It also has access to land and ocean so there is opportunity to expand (to the east). The ocean being a border provides the option to create a strong navy which could possibly be our main fighting technique. I think that our civilization should be roughly 700 B.C.E. This gives us opportunity to have more advanced technology as well as to "learn" from previous civilizations in the area. However, we would have to take into account the other civilizations living in or around the area at the time. There were civilizations in what is now England at the time.
Looking at the first few posts, and what happened in class, I'd really have to go for anywhere but Europe. Just because modern-day Europe is a cool place to visit or because it has a lot of history, does not necessarily make it the ideal place for our civilization.
I think the best place for our civilization to be located is Southeast Asia. Where Vietnam borders China, there is a river, which we explained was a vital thing for our civilization to have. And if you move a little bit more westward, the border of Myanmar (Burma), Laos, and China also contain rivers. The climate of either of these two locations would be ideal. Wikipedia states that Laos' climate is tropical and windy. Since we are based on a river, like all earlier river civilizations, wind would be helpful for citizens to navigate on the river.
If we are based in Southeast Asia, we would be bordering the the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. This allows access to China through land, and other civilizations such as Mesopotamia through a navy. And since we cannot be on an island, a peninsula is pretty close.
I believe our civilization should be around 1500 BCE. This allows us to be around when the Shang Dynasty existed and that coincides with the existance of the Kassite Dynasty in Mesopotamia, which occured after they defeated the Babylonians in Mesopotamia.
I also think our civilization should be in Portugal around 600 BC or so, because it has a lot of rivers, a pretty neutral climate, and only one bordering area. Because it's by the ocean there would be the opportunity to have a strong naval force, and because it isn't an island we could still expand further on land if we wanted to. I don't think it's true that we don't know anything about things happening in areas we haven't studied, and even if we don't know anything, we can easily look it up online or with some other resource. We definitely shouldn't have it on an island because it would be boring with no neighboring civilizations and there wouldn't be as many resources or any room to expand.
I like the idea of Portugal as brought up by many previous posters. It has many rivers and an abundance of natural resources. Although somewhat isolated, which could be helpful for defense, I would think that Portugal would be a naval power to better trade and interact with neighbors. I also agree with Elise about the year, 600BC is a good time frame to start our civilization.
I think Jordan would be a good idea of where to make our civilization because it is a small controllable country, but isn't Jordan almost in Mesopotamia? If you look on a map it is in the same place as Mesopotamia, so it would be pointless, and we would basically be doing Mesopotamia. Also Portugal is the same as Spain, so why not just do Spain? But what I think would be the best to do is North America or Africa, because they are different for what we are learning and there are a lot of interesting geographic and natural resources that aren’t in the middle east, Asia, and Greece.
I think Jordan would be a good idea of where to make our civilization because it is a small controllable country, but isn't Jordan almost in Mesopotamia? If you look on a map it is in the same place as Mesopotamia, so it would be pointless, and we would basically be doing Mesopotamia. Also Portugal is the same as Spain, so why not just do Spain? But what I think would be the best to do is North America or Africa, because they are different for what we are learning and there are a lot of interesting geographic and natural resources that aren’t in the middle east, Asia, and Greece.
After reading everyones comments on the blog so far i have noticed that everyone is leaning towards Portugal and eastern Europe for several reasons. Including the locations, rivers and other transpotation, other civiliations around it, and so on. I agree that this may be a good idea, but i think that we should definately take Andrew and Patrick's comments into concideration. The have some good points including barriers and river. I don't know where but i think that eastern Asia is a good Idea.
I noticed that no one, niether on the blog nor in class (i don't think so at least) has brought up africa. I am not meaning the northern part of Africa, like egypt, but a little bit lower. This would provide easy access to the Indian Ocean for trade with other civiliatons. I am not set on this, but it is just another idea that i am throwing out there.
See I've been thinking about Portugal for a bit. It wouldn't exactly be the best place in terms of safety. Somewhere in East Asia could help us be protected better. The Moors were able to defeat Spain and they were from North Africa. It wouldn't be hard to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar because its just a small piece of water. I am using Portugal and Spain a little interchangeably right now because they're really in the same place. Also, the Pyrenees kind of cut them off from any northern expansion and I think that if anyone attacked our civilization from the south, we would be trapped and forced to fight. On the other hand, the Pyrenees does protect our civilization from the French side of things, however I don't know who was there at the time, if any.
I agree with Patrick in the South Eastern Asia instead of Korea now that I think about it. I forgot that one of the largest rivers in China, the Mekong, goes from China down to Vietnam. This is a major river and would allow contact with China. As I said before, this would benefit both our civilizations like a symbiotic relationship. Haha.The thing I like about SE Asia is that it is close to China, but it still keeps its space.
Now about Poland. I think that Poland kind of isolates us from the other civilizations. I believe it is pretty cold up there and could only be colder 3 thousand years ago, thanks to global warming. Also, I think there are a lot mountains in that area.
Also about the comments made about a strong naval power in like Portugal or Africa, does that mean that they have a strong navy? It means that they have the possibility to have a strong one, but China touches the sea and never really developed a strong navy. Yes, Portugal would probably have the strongest navy of all the suggested areas, because of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, but I don't think it would be much of use without being able to expand into somewhere. If we were in Central Africa, wouldn't that be like isolationist like America post-WWI. The Sahara would serve as a humongous barrier for us, and we could only move so far south.
We can all agree that our civilization needs to have a big river and I think the Mekong could serve as that main one. Although I checked that it might be a little hard to navigate on it, this is still the key to China. Although Portugal and the area around it is abundant with natural resources, I just haven't really caught on to the idea of us being so isolationist.
I do heavily favor a European environment, for several reasons (We haven't looked into it much, plentiful resources, well protected).
However, after reading Andrew's commments about the location in Portugal/Spain, I thought of an alternative: More northern, but still in western Europe: France/West Germany. The lands are rich, there is room for expansion, and still protection. The downside is that it is still Isolated.
I believe that Poland would be too close to Russia, and probably too cold for a very strong civilization.
I also think that our civilization should be in Europe, particularly Portugal/Spain. There are many good bodies of water, and it is not dry like in the Middle East and Africa. Also, if we were in the time period that we are currently studying with the Greeks, it would provide a good chance to trade with them without being too close to risk fighting with them about land. If we were in Portugal/Spain we would be able to be a trading/sailing civilization, which is fairly dependable. The only bad thing is, from Andrew's comment, that we would be at risk of invasion of other powers than Greece.
I think our civilization should be in Portugal. As Rachel said, we'd be close to the Greeks, but not SO close that fighting would be a problem (if we're too close to Sparta, we'd be threatened constantly by them). Portugal has bodies of water, and we wouldn't have to be too dependent on just one. As we saw with Egypt, their sole source was the Nile River, and they eventually got taken over by Mesopotamia, maybe for arrogance of their power, etc... In conclusion, I think Portugal is a good idea for the civilization.
i think that it would be a good idea to have our civilization in an area that does not have a lot of written down, definitive, history. This is so that we have freedom to do whatever we want for our civilization. It should have some countries on its borders so that we can get resources from other places
I believe that we should have a civilization around the time we are studying because then we would be able to make a more detailed situation and a more accurate civilization. I think we should put it in a place in Europe that is not very populated therefore there wouldnt be many conflicts with other civilizations around or in the area.
For one, I think the first thing we need to do once class resumes is to take a vote on where people stand now.
I still think we should be located in the Spain-Portugal Area, as being a sea-faring power would still allow room for interaction. As said before, there are many rivers and natural resources in the area.
I agree with John that we should be in Western europe because the weather seems fine, and we would be protected. If it wasn't for Poland being too cold for everyone,i would still go with Poland since i don't think much was going on there and it is a lot of land that could come in handy for many reasons. If people don't like the weather, then i will agree with John since it's basically like having our civilazation in Poland except with better weather =]
I'm going to keep this short. I like SE Asia, particularly the Vietnam area. I don't see why not. a)They interact with China b)Pretty good climate c)Natural Barriers protect from invasion d)Mekong river from China
I think we should go with Southeast Asia around 1500 BCE. It allows us contact with China and Mesopotamia (through a Navy) and and it has hospitable environment. It is under the Tropic of Cancer, which means it has decent temperature consistancy, and it is located along the MeKong River, and it has strong winds which allows a navy.
I think Brittney's comment was very smart about India. It is in a legitimate place near the Indus River Valley. We know a lot about it already and there are lots of resources, and civilizations nearby. I think India is a very good choice.
After discussing in class for a bit, I still think Portugal would be a good area, but that we could also benefit by locating oursefls closer to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome, etc., since we have learned about these areas.
Portugal allows for a lot of favorable possibilities. As Andrew stated, they were not only able to develop a navy but were able to be prosperous doing so. This breadth of possibilities is ideal when thinking of where to stage our civilization. I would suggest to keep that in mind when proposing a location.
I still think we should be located in Portugal between 600 and 500 BCE for these reasons: ~Portugal has both enough rivers and a high enough annual rainfall to support us ~We can be connected via the sea (navy) but not be too close to Greece for fear ~The time period is around where we were studying, and we know what's going on at least in some parts of the world near where we were located
i agreed with what brittany on having our civilization in Italy because we would be near water and we would have Greece right beside us and we should do it right before the Peolpanisan war broke out and as soon as the war starts our civilization ends.
I still think we should be in Portugal for the reasons I stated.
I don't think we should be in northern Africa because we would base our civilization too much off of other civilizations (Phonecians). I don't think we should base our civilization off of one civilization (however, we could base it off of several).
I am open to the idea of northern Asia as well as India.
I think the civilization should just be centered around anywhere in the Med. Sea. We could form a seafaring community and allow us with contact to everyone.
We have so many Ideas flotaing aroud, can we decided on just three or four general area. Knock out africa, western europe, and Poland. We know the least about them and the climates in two of the three aren't that great.
portugal is a good place because there are resources there such as access to freshwater(rivers) and the ocean. Also Greece is not a threat because of the distance. Portugal is just an ideal place for our civilization.
I think it should be in Portugal still. I honestly don't see the problem with it and it makes perfect sense. I would also think that it should be in eastern europe.
i think that our civilization should be somewhere in eastern europe because alot of things were happening in the middle east and africa in the time period that we are studying. Also, i think that our civilization should take place somewhere around the time we are studying in class because that would make it easier to connect things. If our civilization was in poland or south america, we dont know anything about what happened in those times so it would be kind of hard to do a project based off of that.
first off, i will agree with alex that we need to make the time period the around the time we are studying to better understand and already have some understanding of the time period. however, i think we should make our civilazation be in Poland. It is also in Eastern Europe like alex said we should do. it would be good because we would have borders like Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia and many others. I also did some research and found out that Poland is the 69th largest country in the world which would be very good for a civilazation to "flourish in." That is what i think..<_<
While I agree with the earlier comments on Europe, I believe our civilization should be situated in Portugal. My reasons are:
~It is not a large area of land, so it would be easy to manage as it isn't too big
~It has only one neighbor country, meaning we wouldnt have to worry about border disputes and land conflicts
~It is on the ocean, so it can still be connected with other civilizations
I think the time period should be around 500 BCE-when we're studying-because things were happening in Europe our civ could be involved in
i agree with alex and maia when they say that we need our civilization in the time period we are learning about but i think we should have our civilization in Jordan for these reasons:
1. We would border Israel which would have many people there to help us with trade and resources for our economy.
2. It is a small country which would be easy to control in the beginning then we could decide to make it larger and take over land and that would create a good history for us also.
These points are good but Katelyn i don't agree with having our civilization in Portugal because don't really know whats going on down in that part of Europe. I think we should just stick to the middle east or Greece since we have already learned a history on those areas already.
Ok, well I'm in disagreement with everyone so far. First of all, you can say that we want our civilization to be in X country, however, there weren't borders back then, so you can't really confine us to that one area mentioned.
Getting on with my thought, I don't think our civilization should be in any of the countries suggested. Although I don't really hate the idea of Portugal, Poland, or Jordan, it may be a little too cold in Poland and I think our civ. should have a little more neutral climate. I wouldn't want North America because there's no one else really. About Portugal, who else is around that we can interact with? Ok, well I think that our civilization should be in Korea. I'm just saying Korea because that's the general area. Korea includes both North and South, but they are welcome to move out towards Russia and China. I checked wikipedia and it said that there are two rivers diving current day China/Russia and Korea. There is a river between Korea and China and another between Russia/China and Korea. Also, there are the oceans on the peninsula to provide natural barriers for protection of invasion. Another point is that most of the mountains are on the eastern side so it wouldn't be too hard to move if our civ. was near the west. I especially like this because it is near another civilization so contact would not be hard. Obviously China is the other civilization. Not being bias or anything, but there's a lot of Europe talk, but its not like the land is THAT much different. Just because it is a nice place to travel to means nothing, seeing as there was nothing there at first. Being around another flourishing civilization like China could help both China and our civ. Also the natural barriers around China and Korea help protect from invaders. The time period should probably be from around 2000-1500. We could narrow that down more, but I don't think our civilization should be extremely long. Since we cannot be on an island, a penninsula is the next closest thing, and being on wide open land could end up like Mesopotamia and their many invasions.
I strongly agree with alex evans and maia. I think our civilization should be somewhere in eastern europe because it has very many useful resources. As stated before, we know a lot about this area and the surrounding areas. I also agree with Katelyn when saying the time period should be around 500 BCE because we are learning a lot about that time period in class. We should not chose somewhere in North America or an island because it is totally isolated and there are no resources. We already know a lot about the surrounding areas and about the resources that are available. I also like Katelyn's idea of Portugal.
I think that our civilization should be located in Portugal. It has several rivers such as the Douro, the Guadiana and the Tagus which would be excellent water and food sources. It also has access to land and ocean so there is opportunity to expand (to the east). The ocean being a border provides the option to create a strong navy which could possibly be our main fighting technique.
I think that our civilization should be roughly 700 B.C.E. This gives us opportunity to have more advanced technology as well as to "learn" from previous civilizations in the area. However, we would have to take into account the other civilizations living in or around the area at the time. There were civilizations in what is now England at the time.
Looking at the first few posts, and what happened in class, I'd really have to go for anywhere but Europe. Just because modern-day Europe is a cool place to visit or because it has a lot of history, does not necessarily make it the ideal place for our civilization.
I think the best place for our civilization to be located is Southeast Asia. Where Vietnam borders China, there is a river, which we explained was a vital thing for our civilization to have. And if you move a little bit more westward, the border of Myanmar (Burma), Laos, and China also contain rivers. The climate of either of these two locations would be ideal. Wikipedia states that Laos' climate is tropical and windy. Since we are based on a river, like all earlier river civilizations, wind would be helpful for citizens to navigate on the river.
If we are based in Southeast Asia, we would be bordering the the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific Ocean. This allows access to China through land, and other civilizations such as Mesopotamia through a navy. And since we cannot be on an island, a peninsula is pretty close.
I believe our civilization should be around 1500 BCE. This allows us to be around when the Shang Dynasty existed and that coincides with the existance of the Kassite Dynasty in Mesopotamia, which occured after they defeated the Babylonians in Mesopotamia.
I also think our civilization should be in Portugal around 600 BC or so, because it has a lot of rivers, a pretty neutral climate, and only one bordering area. Because it's by the ocean there would be the opportunity to have a strong naval force, and because it isn't an island we could still expand further on land if we wanted to. I don't think it's true that we don't know anything about things happening in areas we haven't studied, and even if we don't know anything, we can easily look it up online or with some other resource. We definitely shouldn't have it on an island because it would be boring with no neighboring civilizations and there wouldn't be as many resources or any room to expand.
I like the idea of Portugal as brought up by many previous posters. It has many rivers and an abundance of natural resources. Although somewhat isolated, which could be helpful for defense, I would think that Portugal would be a naval power to better trade and interact with neighbors. I also agree with Elise about the year, 600BC is a good time frame to start our civilization.
I think Jordan would be a good idea of where to make our civilization because it is a small controllable country, but isn't Jordan almost in Mesopotamia? If you look on a map it is in the same place as Mesopotamia, so it would be pointless, and we would basically be doing Mesopotamia. Also Portugal is the same as Spain, so why not just do Spain? But what I think would be the best to do is North America or Africa, because they are different for what we are learning and there are a lot of interesting geographic and natural resources that aren’t in the middle east, Asia, and Greece.
I think Jordan would be a good idea of where to make our civilization because it is a small controllable country, but isn't Jordan almost in Mesopotamia? If you look on a map it is in the same place as Mesopotamia, so it would be pointless, and we would basically be doing Mesopotamia. Also Portugal is the same as Spain, so why not just do Spain? But what I think would be the best to do is North America or Africa, because they are different for what we are learning and there are a lot of interesting geographic and natural resources that aren’t in the middle east, Asia, and Greece.
After reading everyones comments on the blog so far i have noticed that everyone is leaning towards Portugal and eastern Europe for several reasons. Including the locations, rivers and other transpotation, other civiliations around it, and so on. I agree that this may be a good idea, but i think that we should definately take Andrew and Patrick's comments into concideration. The have some good points including barriers and river. I don't know where but i think that eastern Asia is a good Idea.
I noticed that no one, niether on the blog nor in class (i don't think so at least) has brought up africa. I am not meaning the northern part of Africa, like egypt, but a little bit lower. This would provide easy access to the Indian Ocean for trade with other civiliatons. I am not set on this, but it is just another idea that i am throwing out there.
See I've been thinking about Portugal for a bit. It wouldn't exactly be the best place in terms of safety. Somewhere in East Asia could help us be protected better. The Moors were able to defeat Spain and they were from North Africa. It wouldn't be hard to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar because its just a small piece of water. I am using Portugal and Spain a little interchangeably right now because they're really in the same place. Also, the Pyrenees kind of cut them off from any northern expansion and I think that if anyone attacked our civilization from the south, we would be trapped and forced to fight. On the other hand, the Pyrenees does protect our civilization from the French side of things, however I don't know who was there at the time, if any.
I agree with Patrick in the South Eastern Asia instead of Korea now that I think about it. I forgot that one of the largest rivers in China, the Mekong, goes from China down to Vietnam. This is a major river and would allow contact with China. As I said before, this would benefit both our civilizations like a symbiotic relationship. Haha.The thing I like about SE Asia is that it is close to China, but it still keeps its space.
Now about Poland. I think that Poland kind of isolates us from the other civilizations. I believe it is pretty cold up there and could only be colder 3 thousand years ago, thanks to global warming. Also, I think there are a lot mountains in that area.
Also about the comments made about a strong naval power in like Portugal or Africa, does that mean that they have a strong navy? It means that they have the possibility to have a strong one, but China touches the sea and never really developed a strong navy. Yes, Portugal would probably have the strongest navy of all the suggested areas, because of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, but I don't think it would be much of use without being able to expand into somewhere. If we were in Central Africa, wouldn't that be like isolationist like America post-WWI. The Sahara would serve as a humongous barrier for us, and we could only move so far south.
We can all agree that our civilization needs to have a big river and I think the Mekong could serve as that main one. Although I checked that it might be a little hard to navigate on it, this is still the key to China. Although Portugal and the area around it is abundant with natural resources, I just haven't really caught on to the idea of us being so isolationist.
I do heavily favor a European environment, for several reasons (We haven't looked into it much, plentiful resources, well protected).
However, after reading Andrew's commments about the location in Portugal/Spain, I thought of an alternative: More northern, but still in western Europe: France/West Germany. The lands are rich, there is room for expansion, and still protection. The downside is that it is still Isolated.
I believe that Poland would be too close to Russia, and probably too cold for a very strong civilization.
I also think that our civilization should be in Europe, particularly Portugal/Spain. There are many good bodies of water, and it is not dry like in the Middle East and Africa. Also, if we were in the time period that we are currently studying with the Greeks, it would provide a good chance to trade with them without being too close to risk fighting with them about land. If we were in Portugal/Spain we would be able to be a trading/sailing civilization, which is fairly dependable. The only bad thing is, from Andrew's comment, that we would be at risk of invasion of other powers than Greece.
I think our civilization should be in Portugal. As Rachel said, we'd be close to the Greeks, but not SO close that fighting would be a problem (if we're too close to Sparta, we'd be threatened constantly by them). Portugal has bodies of water, and we wouldn't have to be too dependent on just one. As we saw with Egypt, their sole source was the Nile River, and they eventually got taken over by Mesopotamia, maybe for arrogance of their power, etc...
In conclusion, I think Portugal is a good idea for the civilization.
i think that it would be a good idea to have our civilization in an area that does not have a lot of written down, definitive, history. This is so that we have freedom to do whatever we want for our civilization. It should have some countries on its borders so that we can get resources from other places
I believe that we should have a civilization around the time we are studying because then we would be able to make a more detailed situation and a more accurate civilization. I think we should put it in a place in Europe that is not very populated therefore there wouldnt be many conflicts with other civilizations around or in the area.
For one, I think the first thing we need to do once class resumes is to take a vote on where people stand now.
I still think we should be located in the Spain-Portugal Area, as being a sea-faring power would still allow room for interaction. As said before, there are many rivers and natural resources in the area.
I agree with John that we should be in Western europe because the weather seems fine, and we would be protected. If it wasn't for Poland being too cold for everyone,i would still go with Poland since i don't think much was going on there and it is a lot of land that could come in handy for many reasons. If people don't like the weather, then i will agree with John since it's basically like having our civilazation in Poland except with better weather =]
I'm going to keep this short. I like SE Asia, particularly the Vietnam area. I don't see why not.
a)They interact with China
b)Pretty good climate
c)Natural Barriers protect from invasion
d)Mekong river from China
I think we should go with Southeast Asia around 1500 BCE. It allows us contact with China and Mesopotamia (through a Navy) and and it has hospitable environment. It is under the Tropic of Cancer, which means it has decent temperature consistancy, and it is located along the MeKong River, and it has strong winds which allows a navy.
At this point I just want to make a decision, Portugal, Jordan, Asia, wherever.
I think Brittney's comment was very smart about India. It is in a legitimate place near the Indus River Valley. We know a lot about it already and there are lots of resources, and civilizations nearby. I think India is a very good choice.
test comment
After discussing in class for a bit, I still think Portugal would be a good area, but that we could also benefit by locating oursefls closer to Egypt, Mesopotamia, Rome, etc., since we have learned about these areas.
Portugal allows for a lot of favorable possibilities. As Andrew stated, they were not only able to develop a navy but were able to be prosperous doing so. This breadth of possibilities is ideal when thinking of where to stage our civilization. I would suggest to keep that in mind when proposing a location.
i think that we should be in either southeast because the land is very fertile and close to many other civilizations
I still think we should be located in Portugal between 600 and 500 BCE for these reasons:
~Portugal has both enough rivers and a high enough annual rainfall to support us
~We can be connected via the sea (navy) but not be too close to Greece for fear
~The time period is around where we were studying, and we know what's going on at least in some parts of the world near where we were located
i agreed with what brittany on having our civilization in Italy because we would be near water and we would have Greece right beside us and we should do it right before the Peolpanisan war broke out and as soon as the war starts our civilization ends.
I still agree with what I wrote before- Spain, same time as the Greeks (around 500 BCE).
I still think we should be around Portugal because it has a neutral climate and it would make a good naval power.
I still think we should be in Portugal for the reasons I stated.
I don't think we should be in northern Africa because we would base our civilization too much off of other civilizations (Phonecians). I don't think we should base our civilization off of one civilization (however, we could base it off of several).
I am open to the idea of northern Asia as well as India.
I believe that somewhere with an extreme climate would be good to build around, just because we could have some fun with it
I think the civilization should just be centered around anywhere in the Med. Sea. We could form a seafaring community and allow us with contact to everyone.
We have so many Ideas flotaing aroud, can we decided on just three or four general area. Knock out africa, western europe, and Poland. We know the least about them and the climates in two of the three aren't that great.
portugal is a good place because there are resources there such as access to freshwater(rivers) and the ocean. Also Greece is not a threat because of the distance. Portugal is just an ideal place for our civilization.
I think it should be in Portugal still. I honestly don't see the problem with it and it makes perfect sense. I would also think that it should be in eastern europe.
I'm with Maggie - let's just decide. We need to start taking ideas out now.
That said, I'm leaning towards Spain/Portugal/Europe
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