Sunday, March 16, 2008

Islam Introduction

What do you know about Islam? What do you want to find out?

Post a paragraph here right now in class.


Anonymous said...

Islam is a religion that is based on the teachings of Muhammad. The book that they believe is the Quran. People of the Islam faith are known as Muslims.

I want to find out how old Islam is.
Also I would like to find out how many people are Islam.

Anonymous said...

I know that Allah is the god that Islams "surrender" to. Also, I know that Mohammad is a prominent figure and I have heard of the five pillars. I would like to learn more about the five pillars and the significance of each as well as Mohammad's role in the religion. Also, I'd like to learn about any other prophets or important figures there are in the religion.

Anonymous said...

I know that Muhammad is the founder of the Islam Religion. I know they have a celebration called hajj. I also know that all the woman have to wear head scarves.
What i would like to know about what the hajj is about, i would also like to know more about their holidays, their ways, and more about their practice of religion.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that I know about Islam is that their pilgrimage is to the city of Mecca. I'm not sure where Mecca is but I know that their pilgrimage is similar to that of the Jewish religion. I also know that they were founded by Mohammed. There are 3 things that I want to find out about Islam. The first thing is that I want to find out how many followers there are today as compared to around 200 years ago. This is just so that I can see a comparison of how the religion has grown over time. I want to find out more about their history and how they came about. And the third is that I want to find out about if they were persecuted over time or not and by whom.

Anonymous said...

Founded by Mohammed, they worship Allah. Shares a holy site with Judaism. Their pilgrimmage is to

I'd like to expand my knowledge in almost every aspect of this topic. Specifically, I'd like to try and understand the thinking behind the religion.

Anonymous said...

I know that for many Islamic people, the Pilgramage to Mecca is very important and they usually have a strong desire to go there before they die. Here is a link to a picture of Mecca:
I'd like to know more about Islam. One of my questions is do all women who follow this religion wear a headscarf, or is it possible to worship this religion and choose to not wear one?

Anonymous said...

Islam is a monotheistic religion, and it's followers worship the god Allah. Two of their prophets are Jesus and Muhammad. Their holy book is the Quran. I wants to know what the five pillars are as well and about their pilgrimages.

Anonymous said...

I know that the Islamic religious text is called the Koran and that one of the main religious site is the Dome of the Rock by the Wailing Wall, the holy site for the Jewish people. There is also the Hajj, a religous pilgramage to Mecca that each muslim is required to make. It is one of the 5 pilars of Islam that the faith is based off of. The other 4 piliars are the profession of faith, the ritual prayer (5 times daily), fasting during Ramadan, and to give charity to the needy.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Islam, however, after doing some research I have learned the following:
Islam is a monotheistic religion which comes from the teachings of Muhammad, a political and religious figure. Muslims believe that the Qur'an was given to Muhammad. These are the main sources of Islam. Muhammad is not looked at as the founder of the religion, but as a "reconstructer" of the religion.
I would like to learn more about the religion today and around the world.

Anonymous said...

I know there are something called the five pillars and when i looked it up this is what they are
1) Witnessing-Shahadah

Also there are different bodies/secions of islam. One are
the Sunnis (followers of the prophet's way)and the another group are the Shi'as.

Anonymous said...

Islam is one of the three major monotheistic religions of the modern world. They worship a god they call Allah, whom they believe to be the same as the God of the Christians/Jews. People who practice Islam are called Muslims. Islam originated in the Middle East area. It was not widespread until the rise of the Ottoman Empire, which was mostly Islamic. Islam was also widely practiced in Spain during the Dark Ages. Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem are all holy cities of Islam. Mecca is the holiest, and many Muslims go on a pilgrimage called the hajj to Mecca each year. It is a requirement that every Muslim go on the hajj once during their life. There are a lot of prophets honored by the Muslims. Two of the most famous are Mohammed and Jesus. (whom the Christians believe to be the Son of God but the Muslims consider a prophet). When they speak a prophet's name, they follow it with the phrase "peace be upon him" or "pbuh". Muslims worship in what are known as mosques. The Dome of the Rock is a very famous mosque in Jerusalem. It is called that because it is olocated near a famous rock where Muslims believe that the prophet Mohammed ascended to heaven and spoke to Allah, and then returned to Earth bearing his teachings. The holy book of Islam is called the Koran. Muslims pray five times a day, and they are summoned to prayer by a bell rung from the top of a mosque. One of their most famous holidays is Ramadan. During Ramadan, they fast during the day and are allowed to eat only after the sun has set. Islamic law requires girls older than a certain age to wear head scarves. There are conflicts in several countries about where these girls are allowed to wear these head scarves (while running a race, etc.) Today, Islam is divided into many sects, the most well-known being Sunni and Shiite. The sects do not get along very well and often fight among each other. Most Muslims today live in the Middle East, though a few live in North and South America as well as Europe. Canada and Australia are believed to have no Muslims.

Anonymous said...

Islam's most famous prophet is Muhammad. He made Islam much more popular that it was when he was born. He ascended to heaven at thte Dome of the Rock in Jeruslaem. The holiest sight for Muslims is Meca. All prayers in Mosques face East in the US, towards Meca. Devout Muslims must pray five times a day. The major difference between Islam and Christianity is that Muslims do not believe that Jesus was crucified. They believe that God would never do something so cruel to his own son. Islam is most popular around the Middle East and North Africa.

I would like to learn how Muhammad made Islam so popular. Also where and how Islam started.

Anonymous said...

I don't know much about Islam. Their holy book is the Koran, they call their god Allah, and a man named Muhammad spread the religion around. Two main religious groups are the Shiites and the Sunnis.

I would like to know more about Muhammad, since I think he is a prominent figure.
I am interested to see what the similarities are between Islam and other major religions around at the time.

Anonymous said...

My questions are: I want to know about other Muslim holidays/celebrations other than Ramadan, and I want to know how Muslims interacted with some of the civilizations we have studied (such as Rome)

Anonymous said...

I understand that the revelation in Islam comes from total submission to "God" (general sense). Similar to more eastern-rooted religious practices, there are many "quests" as well as heavily facilitated prayer.

Two questions:
How did the word Muslim (which means Gauze) come to describe a whole people?

The Koran is regarded as a "purer" (less distorted) text than the Bible/Torah; how many alleged authors does the Koran have? Just Muhammad?

Anonymous said...

Islam is a monotheistic religion based on the teachings of Muhammad. They use a religious text called the Qur'an. The Islamic group as a whole is broken into two groups, Sunni and Shi'a.

I'd like to learn more about the difference between the two groups and the teachings of the religion as a whole. I'd also like to learn about the start of this religion, and if the religion includes any given social classes (such as the classes in Hinduism)

Anonymous said...

The people who practice Islam are known mostly as Muslims. They belive in the five pillars. They worship several times a day and are very specific about their rules. Part of practicing Islam is promising to take a pilgrimage to Mecca, which is one of the three holiest cities known to Islam. The most Muslims in the world are located in Indonesia. The text that is most known to them is the Koran, which is similar to the Bible and Torah. There is a lot of beautiful temples are architecture involved with Islam, such as the Dome of the Rock.

Anonymous said...

First off, Alex you are wrong. Muslims dont even regard Jesus as the son of god. They beleive that Jesus was a messenger of God instead of his son. But anyways I know that Islam is one of the monotheistic middle eastern religions. Islam was started by prophet mohammed. Muslims read the Koran which is their holy book. The first part of the Koran was revealed to Mohammed while he was sitting in a cave. An angel named Jibril (Gabriel) swooped down from the sky and embraced Mohammed and revealed to him the first parts of the Quran. Muslims also call God Allah. Allah created everything including the heavens and hell.

Anonymous said...

In response to Jeffreys question, muslims have no social classes, they beleive all men were created equal.


I would like to know what drove Moslems to attack the US, and why Muslims and Jews are such enemies

Anonymous said...

I know that Islam is one of the earliest monotheistic religions. I also know that Muhammad is a major prophet, one who ascended up to heaven to talk to Allah, god, himself in Jersusalem. I also know that there are 5 pillars in Islam, and one is the "hajj" or the pilgrammage to Mecca. There is a fasting month, called Ramadan, and at the end there is a big feast.

I also think I know the difference between Sunnis and Shiates. Sunnis believe in the traditions of Muhammad and the leadership should be passed to someone who believes in Muhammad's teachings, whereas Shiates believe that the leadership should pass to Muhammad's family.

Anonymous said...

I know that Islam is a monotheistic religion with their god being called Allah and the father being Abraham. Five times a day to some pray facing east towards Mecca. Mecca is their holiest site. Medina, I think site of Muhammad's (the prophet)birth. Then there's Jerusalem which I believe is the third most holy city as Muhammad ascended to heaven to speak with Allah in the Golden Dome before coming back. Muslims are supposed to make a hajj to Mecca, or make a pilgrimage there. I believe Indonesia actually has the highest population of Muslims. The Koran is their holy text and holidays such as Ramadan and Eid al Fitr are observed by Muslims.

I would like to find out more information on what's in the Koran. From what I have seen, its actually quite similar to most other religions (but then again, most religions teach similar virtues). I would also like more information on the hajj.

Anonymous said...

I know that Islam is a monotheistic religion. Supporters of this religion are known as Muslims.

I would like to know more about what role women played in their society. I would also like to know how many people are of the Islamic faith. Along with that I would like to know the common traditions of the culture, and how the society has possibly influenced others around it.